First, let me apologize for being so delayed in my blogging. We have had some recent illness in our extended family and with the new school year starting, I'm so off-schedule, it's ridiculous.
I have spent a decent amount of time recently, thinking about what the future of Basil the Cat will look like. Will I continue to grow the business myself? Will I take on employees other than the ancillary staff that I have now? Will I eventually sell the company? If so, who will take it over? As I don't have any daughters, there isn't a natural progession of this idea with the fantasy of me "passing it down" to a family member, especially considering my sons, as brilliant and amazing as they are, aren't really interested in artistic endeavors. What am I to do?
Flash back (or forward), to a few days ago (actually, at this point, it was probably weeks ago), when a very loyal customer contacted me and said " I wish you could see all the family pictures that my girls draw - in them, I am always wearing my letter "A" necklace." I responded that I would LOVE to see a picture and she sent me this picture (and gave me permission to share it with you).
First of all, I'm not sure how old her daughter is, but she is clearly a very talented artist who obviously thinks her mother is exceptionally beautiful (which I'm sure she is!) The attention to detail is amazing and her artistic interpretation of this necklace is visionary! The actual necklace has a small loop at the point of the "A" where the chain runs through (of course I don't have a picture of this because it would make this post too perfect :P ). I LOVE how she has the chain as an extension of the line across the letter...I may even like it better than the actual necklace.
So this got me thinking, THIS girl is the kind of girl that I need working with me! Please note, the drawing of this necklace constitutes intellectual property and is therefore don't even think about taking this idea ;)